Our Mission

Our mission at Stellar Conversations is to create cultural change through coaching conversations.Ā Ā 

Conversations that feel different to the average conversation.

Conversations that harness insight and growth.

Conversations that lead to cultures of courage and psychological safety, of insight, wellbeing and growth.Ā 

Our visionĀ is to support organisations to create cultures where coaching conversations are the norm.

We do this through our coach training programmes, our coaching provision and through continuous mentoring and supervision.

We also support you to develop in-house coaching services.

Our Ten Guiding principles are there to guide and shape our work with you. 


We listen to your needs and create our work around them.


We come believing in you and hold you in positive regard.


We teach through training, collaboration, proven methodologies, and experiential learning. 


We support your learning and support you to connect that learning to your context.


We help harness the brilliance of your people through cultivating a growth mindset.


We challenge you to be courageous and facilitate courageous dialogue and action.


We co-create equitable, inclusive, jargon free, down to earth environments.


We co-create courageousĀ  spaces to think and practice.


We continue supporting you on your learning journey through supervision, mentoring and community.


We enable you to increase results whatever that means to you.

“I felt comfortable even when uncomfortable. That the group got on so well is down to strong facilitation enabling it to develop”

“Absolutely incredible, I loved every part of it”