The links to everything you need

This page isĀ a handy list of absolutely every resource, 1:1 service, event and training that we currently offer. Ā 

The links to everything you need

This page isĀ a handy list of absolutely every free resource, 1:1 service, event, and paid training that we currently offer. Ā 

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For Coaches

ā€œI can sincerely say that the course has been hugely valuable and I would thoroughly recommend it... I was out of my comfort zone at times but it genuinely provided an opportunity for a lot of learning about coaching and about myself. Iā€™m certain that the skills I have learnt will enable me to offer a distinctive leadership approach and stand me in good stead for any future senior positions I may holdā€

Peter Sargent, Interim CEO. England.

"I thoroughly enjoyed the Stellar Coaching Programme and know that I have benefitted greatly from this...I facilitated our first leadership development session around coaching skills yesterday, supported by others who were on the Stellar Coaching Programme. We are adding another session now as we were already almost fully booked. We're also adding group coaching to our internal coaching service. Very exciting - onwards and upwards!"

Fiona Clark, People Development Lead, Scotland.